Digipet Syrup -200ml ( Pack of 2) Digestive Stimulant, Anti-Flatulent, Bowel Regulator



Dosage :
Small Breeds 7-10ml twice a day
Large Breeds 15-17ml twice a day

SKU DS-200-PO2

    Digipet Syrup For-Dogs-Puppies

    Dogs face the problem of constipation and irregular bowel discharge and other stomach related issues.

    Many senior and mature mutts are bound to stumble upon abdominal assimilation because of absence of activity.

    When you see that your pooch is facing such health issues then you should go for All4Pets Digipet Syrup for Dog Digestion 200 ml. This is a top quality upturn for hefting any stomach apposite wellbeing and a sound defecation in mutts all things considered.

    It is furthermore a phenomenal antagonist of stimulant bombastic.

    Pudina and Sonth are the key essentials for the strengthening which are known for possessioning up a sound stomach associated tract and in treating fractious gut disorder.

    It likewise kills аwful breаth in саnines. Аmlа аnd Jeerа аre different соnstituents whiсh settle the issue оf асridity аnd stоmасh ulсers.

    Digipet Syrup For-Dogs-Puppies

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