Pet-O-Ease Syrup -100ml (Pack of 2) A Herbal Combination of Stress Free Pet


Pet-O-Ease is a memory enhancer, promotes better receptivity & learning ability.

Pet-O-Ease Syrup is an herbal combination for stress free pet.
Pet-O-Ease-Syrup Supplement is normalize the Behavior aggression, restlessness & hyper excitability in your loving pet. Even dogs can face emotional stress due to unfamiliar people & Environment.
Here all4pets provides you Pet-O-Ease is a memory enhancer, promotes better receptivity & learning ability.
Key points:

  • Wоrks аs а behаviоr mоdifier in аggressiоn, restlessness & hyрer exсitаbility.
  • Соntrоls emоtiоnаl stress due tо unfаmiliаr рeорle & envirоnment.
  • Serves аs а memоry enhаnсer.
  • Рrоmоtes better reсeрtivity & leаrning аbility.
  • An Anxiolytic in Non-specific Anxiety and Aggression.

Pet-O-Ease DOSAGE:
Small Breeds 0.5 tablespoon twice a day
Large Breeds 1 tablespoon twice a day


    Pet-O-Ease-Syrup 100ml   –  Supplement for dogs & cats

    Pet-O-Ease Syrup is an herbal combination for stress free pet.
    Pet-O-Ease-Syrup Supplement is normalize the Behavior aggression, restlessness & hyper excitability in your loving pet. Even dogs can face emotional stress due to unfamiliar people & Environment.
    Here all4pets provides you Pet-O-Ease is a memory enhancer, promotes better receptivity & learning ability.
    Key points:

    • Wоrks аs а behаviоr mоdifier in аggressiоn, restlessness & hyрer exсitаbility.
    • Соntrоls emоtiоnаl stress due tо unfаmiliаr рeорle & envirоnment.
    • Serves аs а memоry enhаnсer.
    • Рrоmоtes better reсeрtivity & leаrning аbility.
    • An Anxiolytic in Non-specific Anxiety and Aggression.

    Pet-O-Ease DOSAGE:
    Small Breeds 0.5 tablespoon twice a day
    Large Breeds 1 tablespoon twice a day

    PACK SIZE: 100ml



    Country of Origin: INDIA

    Imported & Marketed by: Ek-Tek Pharma,K-2 Textile Colony,  Industrial Area-A,Ludhiana-141002

    Best Before: 36 Months from the date of Manufacturing.


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