SOFT BM Drops 100ML


For Maintenance of soft and regular bowel movement

Constipation is a fairly common issue in cats and dogs, particularly as they age. They are signs that there may be a problem in your pet’s gastrointestinal system. This can be caused by a number of different reasons: It may be due to something that your cat or dog has eaten and can’t digest, a change in their diet, or a parasite or some other infection they have picked up. Either way, they are uncomfortable and unhappy, and can use your help in making their discomfort go away.

SOFT BM Drops is a natural, herbal formula that supports gastrointestinal health and normal stools. The traditional formula of SOFT BM  is used for supporting regular bowel tone and normal cleansing of the GI tract. This herbal combination is not habit-forming or purging (will not cause diarrhea or loose, watery stools).

Promotes easier elimination and softer stools in cats and dogs with constipation

·         Gentle and non-irritating

·         Will not cause purging or runny stools

·         Promotes healthy bowel tone and normal peristalsis

·         Not habit-forming; can be used long-term or as needed

Kitten: 1drop twice a day
Cats:  For 7kg b.wt. 5-7 drops twice a day
Above 7kg b.wt.10 drops  twice a day

Dogs :
Small breeds:  5-10 drops twice a day
Large breeds: 1-2ml twice a day
or as directed by the Veterinarian.





    SOFT BM Drops
    For Maintenance of soft and regular bowel movement

    Constipation is a fairly common issue in cats and dogs, particularly as they age. They are signs that there may be a problem in your pet’s gastrointestinal system. This can be caused by a number of different reasons: It may be due to something that your cat or dog has eaten and can’t digest, a change in their diet, or a parasite or some other infection they have picked up. Either way, they are uncomfortable and unhappy, and can use your help in making their discomfort go away.

    SOFT BM Drops is a natural, herbal formula that supports gastrointestinal health and normal stools. The traditional formula of SOFT BM  is used for supporting regular bowel tone and normal cleansing of the GI tract. This herbal combination is not habit-forming or purging (will not cause diarrhea or loose, watery stools).

    Promotes easier elimination and softer stools in cats and dogs with constipation

    ·         Gentle and non-irritating

    ·         Will not cause purging or runny stools

    ·         Promotes healthy bowel tone and normal peristalsis

    ·         Not habit-forming; can be used long-term or as needed

    Kitten: 1drop twice a day
    Cats:  For 7kg b.wt. 5-7 drops twice a day
    Above 7kg b.wt.10 drops  twice a day

    Dogs :
    Small breeds:  5-10 drops twice a day
    Large breeds: 1-2ml twice a day
    or as directed by the Veterinarian.





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